4 Gemalto smart cards

MyID has been tested with the following Gemalto smart cards:

Smart card




Smart card/Chip

SafeNet Mini Driver v10.7.164.0


Smart card/Chip

SafeNet Mini Driver v10.7.164.0

MD830 Rev B FIPS Level 2

Smart card/Chip

SafeNet Mini Driver v10.7.164.0

MD830 Rev B FIPS Level 3

Smart card/Chip

SafeNet Mini Driver v10.7.164.0


Smart card/Chip

SafeNet Mini Driver v10.7.164.0


Smart card/Chip

SafeNet Mini Driver v10.7.164.0

MD840 Rev A

Smart card/Chip

SafeNet Mini Driver v10.7.164.0


Smart card/Chip

SafeNet Mini Driver v10.7.164.0

IDPrime PIV Card v2.0

PIV card


IDPrime PIV Card v2.1

PIV card


IDPrime PIV Card v3.0

PIV card


SafeNet eToken 4100

Smart card/Chip

SafeNet Authentication Client v10.7 middleware

SafeNet eToken 5100

USB Token/Chip

SafeNet Authentication Client v10.7 middleware

SafeNet eToken 5110

USB Token/Chip

SafeNet Authentication Client v10.7 middleware

SafeNet eToken 5110 FIPS

USB Token/Chip

SafeNet Authentication Client v10.7 middleware

SafeNet eToken 5110+

USB Token/Chip

SafeNet Authentication Client v10.7 middleware

Note: MyID has been tested with the minidrivers listed in the table above. Your version of the minidriver may be different, depending on which Windows updates you have installed. Make sure that you have the supported version of the minidriver installed.

Note: MyID supports the eToken 5110, 5110+, and 5110 FIPS, but does not support the eToken 5110 CC.

For smart cards that use the SafeNet Authentication Client, see section 4.4, Installation and configuration for Gemalto smart cards for details of configuring the SAC software for middleware or minidriver operation.

Currently, MyID is compatible with the following Gemalto IDPrime PIV Card v2.0 configurations: